Where Can Someone Purchase My Work?

Right now I sell my work exclusively at the AuSable Artisan Village Gallery (AAV) in Grayling, Michigan. If you ever find yourself in lovely northern Michigan, you can find the AAV with the map and information at the bottom of this page.
I quit doing art fairs, and just closed my online store because it was keeping me busier than I wanted to be for a retired-but-working-part-time gal. I also discovered that I loved having the freedom to go in any direction I felt pulled as I worked on a piece. If someone purchases an item based on a series of pictures I posted in my online store, they're not going to appreciate it if I decide to go in a whole new direction in the middle of the job. I suppose I could just tell them something like, "I know you ordered silver hoops, but I just had a hankering to hammer some copper and throw a few pearls into the mix. Isn't this fun?" With the AAV gallery I can make what I want and bring it in when I'm done. If I'm tired of making hoops, I just stop making hoops for a while. Life is good!
I also recently quit doing straight custom work for the same reason. However, I really enjoy teaching and playing with folks in my studio so I started doing a variation on custom work with adventuresome clients. I work with them to help them create gifts that incorporate significant elements for their giftee (yup, it's a word - I looked it up.) Most folks who have done this with me have never made jewelry before. We talk about what the giftee likes, toss around ideas, and come up with a plan. Then we work together in my studio to create it. I teach them how to make as much of the piece as they are comfortable attempting. That can range from a small part to them completing all of it with me just demonstrating and coaching. I can take over any part they find frustrating. The end result is the client has a truly personal gift to give and, so far anyway, a fun experience for both of us.
I quit doing art fairs, and just closed my online store because it was keeping me busier than I wanted to be for a retired-but-working-part-time gal. I also discovered that I loved having the freedom to go in any direction I felt pulled as I worked on a piece. If someone purchases an item based on a series of pictures I posted in my online store, they're not going to appreciate it if I decide to go in a whole new direction in the middle of the job. I suppose I could just tell them something like, "I know you ordered silver hoops, but I just had a hankering to hammer some copper and throw a few pearls into the mix. Isn't this fun?" With the AAV gallery I can make what I want and bring it in when I'm done. If I'm tired of making hoops, I just stop making hoops for a while. Life is good!
I also recently quit doing straight custom work for the same reason. However, I really enjoy teaching and playing with folks in my studio so I started doing a variation on custom work with adventuresome clients. I work with them to help them create gifts that incorporate significant elements for their giftee (yup, it's a word - I looked it up.) Most folks who have done this with me have never made jewelry before. We talk about what the giftee likes, toss around ideas, and come up with a plan. Then we work together in my studio to create it. I teach them how to make as much of the piece as they are comfortable attempting. That can range from a small part to them completing all of it with me just demonstrating and coaching. I can take over any part they find frustrating. The end result is the client has a truly personal gift to give and, so far anyway, a fun experience for both of us.